by Clay Thompson | Dec 12, 2017 | blog
We will be meeting at our regular morning service on Christmas Eve at 9:15 AM. And in addition, we will have a special Christmas Eve evening service at 9:30 PM. Childcare will be available at both services.
by Clay Thompson | Sep 13, 2016 | blog
We welcome a guest post about the Apostles’ Creed by one of our members: Chuck Hicks. Read more of Chuck’s writing at his blog: In 1993 Contemporary Christian music artist Rich Mullins released his magnum opus, A Liturgy, A...
by Clay Thompson | May 15, 2016 | blog
Pentecost! Here are some of our Sunday School children enjoying a craft for Pentecost. We reviewed our catechism questions 1-15 and especially emphasized that there is 1 God in 3 persons, the Holy Spirit is one of the 3 persons of the Trinity, God is a Spirit and does...
by Clay Thompson | Mar 5, 2016 | blog
Dear Church Family, About a month ago I received an email communication from the Rev. Ben Sharpe, Rector of Christ Church in Winston Salem. I met Ben 12 years ago when we first moved to North Carolina. Ben informed me that one of his congregants, John Craig, would...
by Clay Thompson | Feb 23, 2016 | blog
Mo Leverett in Our Living Room! We had a wonderful time with blues singer Mo Leverett this past Saturday night. What an amazing artist and we are so honored to be a part of his audience. Check out his website to learn more about his music and...
by Clay Thompson | Jan 16, 2016 | blog
A Response to the Episcopal Church Suspension I understand the complacency over ecclesiastical structures, conventions and communications. Perhaps America is fed up with politics. When we see political behavior in the Church we may be tempted to let out a deep sigh...
by Clay Thompson | Nov 30, 2015 | blog
Season of Advent Hey, check your calendar, it’s cyber Monday! No, wait, check the Church calendar…it’s the feast of St Andrew! The reality for Americans is that much of our life is ordered by consumerism. Thanksgiving, according to Verizon, is also known as...
by Clay Thompson | Aug 31, 2014 | blog
If you haven’t heard you’ve not been listening. The cry of the persecuted is rising in volume. Please read the links below and join the body of Christ in praying for those who suffer for the Name of Christ! From the Anglican Church in North America and...
by Clay Thompson | Jun 27, 2014 | blog
A election has been held for the new archbishop for the ACNA (Anglican Church in North America). Yes, understanding Anglican polity and structure can be complicated. Few in the modern Church are familiar with it unless they grew up under it. Even then, I grew up under...
by Clay Thompson | Dec 4, 2013 | blog
I learned the value of kindness to the elderly at an early age. That doesn’t necessarily mean I put it into practice. But at the least it was modeled for me along with the benefits thereof. Yet I was never taught the reason behind the value. The Bible is crystal...